Charlize Theron admits she finds the idea of marrying her “hot” fiance Sean Penn strange but insists she’s a lucky girl to be engaged to him.

The 40-year-old admits Penn, 54, makes her heart skip a beat and she is madly in love but she has reservations about the concept of marriage.

“The marriage thing is always so strange to me anyway. I love the possibility of anything but I’m really enjoying myself and the everyday moment and how that coincides with my son and my life and my friends,” Theron — whose mother shot dead her alcoholic father after he attacked her while drunk — told Esquire magazine.

“I’m a very, very, very lucky girl. Very lucky. He’s hot. He is hot. How do you say that in an interview? You’re a 40-year-old woman sounding like a 16-year- old There’s something beautiful about that, but you lack the articulation of really saying what it’s like when somebody walks into your life and makes you see something that you really never thought you’d be able to see.”

Charlize Theron on the cover of Esquire. Picture:

Theron —who has an adopted son, Jackson — says the romance grew out of a deep respect for one another and a beautiful 20-year friendship.

Before, neither she or the actor were in a position to embark on a relationship but now they have Theron feels lucky they shared such a great friendship first.

“We’ve been friends for 20 years. He was married, I was in a long-term relationship ... I think our friendship stemmed from mutual respect ... Sean liked to have conversations outside of just making movies,” she explained.

“That’s sometimes hard to find among friends here, and that’s where our friendship really blossomed. I think we’re both finding ourselves at this moment in our lives kind of shocked. Both of us. Just when you think you know how things are supposed to go down, life just kicks you in the ass and guess what? You don’t have a clue. It is nice to be in something where the friendship came first. I’ve never had that ... We get so stuck in wanting to predict the future that we forget the moment that we’re in. And the moment that we’re in is just really good. It’s really good, really nice.”

The couple are expected to wed this year. The nuptials will be Theron’s first; Penn was married to Madonna from 1985-1989 and to Robin Wright from 1996-2010.

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