While every bride and her sister was out brainstorming the best wedding hashtag for Instagram, Teona Ostrov, 31, decided to take the customization for her big day a step further. The New York City publicist collaborated with a co-worker to develop a personalized Snapchat filter full of bride-and-groom emojis, a couple name, and even a picture of her beloved dog.

Ostrov's special touch is part of the next high-tech trend taking the wedding market by storm. It wasn't long ago that the perfectly curated hashtag was the norm, but now it seems almost passé for those who love social media. After all, when you have the perfect dress, the perfect hairstyle, and the perfect table setting to boot, why not go all the way and create a filter that fits the aesthetic of your wedding?

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"The second I found out about customized filters I knew I wanted one for my wedding," says Ostrov. "Everyone does the hashtag thing, but I wanted unique additions that I hadn't seen everywhere already. So I gave it a trial-run at my bridal shower, and everyone loved it so it was a no-brainer when it was time for the wedding."

Everyone does the hashtag thing, but I wanted unique additions that I hadn't seen everywhere already

The trend has been picking up steam since Snapchat launched its on-demand geofilters (ODGs) stateside in February. Now also available in the UK, Canada, Australia, and Brazil, Snapchat says thousands of requests are submitted per day with roughly half coming from businesses and the other 50 percent from individuals like soon-to-be brides.

The real reason for all the hype can likely be attributed to the high reward you get for such little effort. Starting at just $5 a pop (prices vary based on the area size you want the ODG available in and how long it'll be live for), it's relatively inexpensive so long as you have some design skills to actually create the filter, or know a friend who can help you out pro bono. Once you've submitted your ODG for review, mapped out the area it will cover, and calculated how long you want it to last for, Snapchat takes about one business day to approve it. Then, voilà, you've got yourself an extra layer of fun personalization that guests tend to go gaga for (you'll even have access to a dashboard to see how many views and uses it got).

Also see: http://www.sheindressau.com/wedding-dresses-au


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